Fee Schedule
All fees will be invoiced via email
Enrolment Administration Fee
An Enrolment Administration Fee of $25.00 is payable for each new enrolment. This is a one-off fee and is non-refundable. Only one Enrolment Administration Fee will be charged per family if enrolling more than one child at the same time.
Our hours of operation
8:00am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday for 2-6-year-olds. You can nominate any 6 hours (up to 7.5 hours) per day (places for 2-year-olds are limited)
We are closed all statutory / public holidays – no fees are charged.
We close for a 4-week period over December / January period, dates are confirmed 2-3 months prior.
Family Visits
There is no charge for parents/caregivers who are visiting kindy with an under 2-year-old in their care.
All other sessions – a minimum of two days per week:​
3 - 6 year olds are eligible for 20 hours ECE funding per week up to 6 hours per day. We further subsidize an additional 10 hours, up to 30 hours free per week if all of the child’s 20 hours ECE have been attested to us. We also subsidize 2-year-olds with the same benefits, however spaces for 2-year-olds are limited.
3 - 6 year olds that use some or all of their 20 ECE hours elsewhere pay a fee of $6 per hour.
An example of what you might be charged if you attest all 20 ECE funding to our kindergarten:
Your child is enrolled for 5 days per week, 6 hours per day. Your weekly fee is free
Your child is enrolled for 5 days per week, 7.5 hours per day. Your weekly fee is $45
Check with the centre manager to calculate the fees applicable to your enrolment requirements
Some families may be eligible for a WINZ subsidy to pay for fees (ask centre manager for more info).
Enrolment at Thames Coast Community Kindergarten confirms your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this fee schedule.
As a small non-profit kindergarten, we need to fundraise throughout the year. Any donations we receive are much appreciated and go towards improving our kindergarten. From time to time we may invite families to donate to kindergarten if they can, however this is not compulsory.